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Barcode lookup contains information on over 500 million products. You can check the barcode online and get detailed information about the products including images, product information and prices at various stores. Our extensive barcode database is collected from numerous manufacturers, distributors and retailers around the world include marketplaces. Enter the barcode number (UPS, EAN, ISBN) or use a search query to access the information about barcode.


Barcodes in the database

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What is a barcode?

Barcodes are a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. Originating in the retail industry, these representations consist of parallel black and white lines of varying widths and spacings, accompanied by numbers. The barcode's purpose is to simplify data entry and retrieval to prevent human error during these processes.Each barcode contains a unique set of numbers or characters that can be scanned and read by electronic scanners, typically using laser or camera-based technology. This process decodes the information encoded within the barcode and transmits it to a computer system to facilitate a wide range of business and logistical applications.

Three diferent types of our barcodes explained for each case

  • UPC

    UPC barcodes consist of 12 digits and are most commonly used in the retail industry. It consists of 12 digits, with the first six representing the manufacturer's identification number and the last six representing the item number. The US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and many other countries generally use Universal Product Codes. These barcodes can be found on a wide range of products such as groceries, electronics, and household items.

  • EAN

    EAN barcodes are very similar to UPC codes with one key difference. They have an extra digit and are made up of 13 digits. The first two digits represent the country of origin, followed by five digits for the manufacturer's code, five digits for the product's code, and a final checksum digit. This barcode is also used in the retail industry and can be found on items sold internationally or outside of the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

  • ISBN

    ISBN is a unique and EAN-compatible barcode used for identifying books and related products in the publishing industry. Each specific edition, format, or variation of a book is assigned its own ISBN, which can be either in the ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 format.

How to get your own barcode for a product

At, we provide an effortless process for obtaining your very own barcode. With our user-friendly website, you can easily navigate through the following simple steps:

1. Select the quantity of barcodes required to meet your inventory demands. Whether it's a few or a large batch, we've got you covered.
2. Add the desired barcodes to your shopping cart with just a few clicks. Our intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience.
3. Proceed to checkout, where you can complete your payment securely. We accept reliable and trusted payment methods such as PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard.
4. Once the payment is confirmed, you will receive the barcode archive instantly. Additionally, you can conveniently download it at any time from your personal account or through the email link provided.

And you know what's even more interesting? If you sign up today and register on our platform, you can receive a complimentary barcode (UPC-12 and EAN-13) from us as a special gift immediately.